CSGO 2018/08/02 Update 更新事項 (全景UI上線&修正 新箱子 多項遊戲內容&界面修正)

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一般會員 (Lv.10)
– Panorama UI is now active by default for users on all supported operating systems.
- 默認情況下,Panorama UI在所有受支持的操作系統上都處於活動狀態。

– For a limited transition time users can opt into backwards compatibility mode by adding -scaleform launch option.
- 對於有限的轉換時間,用戶可以通過添加-scaleform啟動選項來選擇向後兼容模式。

– Planted C4 will now emit a different beeping sound when planted at bombsite B.
- 當C4放置在炸彈場B時,置放的C4現在會發出不同的嗶嗶聲。

– Molotovs and incendiary grenades will now consistently deal impact damage to match other grenades.
- 莫洛托夫和燃燒手榴彈現在將持續造成撞擊傷害,以配合其他手榴彈。

[PERFECT WORLD] [完美世界用戶]
– Players using the CS:GO Perfect World launcher now have fully localized voice audio.
- 使用CS:GO Perfect World的玩家現在擁有完全本地化的語音音頻。

– Community servers now allow connections from players using the CS:GO Perfect World launcher and other launchers.
- 社群服務器現在允許玩家使用CS:GO完美世界和其他版本進行連接。

– Added the Horizon Case, featuring 17 new community weapon finishes and 4 brand new knives.
- 增加了Horizon Case,包括17種新的社區武器裝飾和4種全新刀具。

– Fixed halftime and team selection music to respect main menu music volume settings.
- 修正半場和團隊選擇音樂,以尊重主菜單音樂音量設置。

– Lobby voice chat will now duck main menu music volume for the duration of voice chat.
- 大廳語音聊天現在將在語音聊天期間消耗主菜單音樂音量。

– Fixed ability to borrow music kits and added a button to stop borrowing music kits.
- 修正了借用音樂工具包並添加按鈕以停止借用音樂工具包的能力。

– Fixed a bug that caused old invites to be re-sent when returning to lobby from a competitive match.
- 修正了從競爭性比賽返回大廳時導致重新發送舊邀請的錯誤。

– Friends rich presence in-game now displays the competitive match score first.
- 朋友在遊戲中的豐富存在現在首先顯示競爭性比賽得分。

– Added chat messages for players receiving competitive cooldowns, reports, and commendations.
- 為接受競爭冷卻,報告和表彰的玩家添加聊天消息。

– Multiple fixes for IME support and text entry focus with IME.
- 使用IME對IME支持和文本輸入重點進行多項修復。

– Updated lobby chat to show more messages.
- 更新了大廳聊天以顯示更多消息。

– Fixed Lobby chat layouts for 4×3 and 5×4 aspect ratios.
- 修正了4×3和5×4寬高比的大廳聊天佈局。

– Fixed end of match rank display showing incorrect text for 40+ level ranks.
- 修正了匹配等級顯示結束,顯示等級40以上的錯誤文本。

– Fixed reconnect panel layouts for 4×3 and 5×4 aspect ratios.
- 修復了4×3和5×4寬高比的重新連接面板佈局。

– Fixed scoreboard layout in war game modes.
- 修正了戰爭遊戲模式中的記分牌佈局。

– Improved visual separation of observers in the scoreboard.
- 改進了記分板中觀察者的視覺分離。

– Fixed the spectator round timer sometimes getting stuck red.
- 修正了觀眾圓形計時器有時會卡住紅色。

– Fixed missing kill feed icons.
- 修正了丟失的殺戮飼料圖標

– Fixed radar and map overviews for workshop maps that don’t have a manifest file with radar data.
- 修正了沒有雷達數據清單文件的車間地圖的雷達和地圖概覽。

– Fixed workshop maps selection screen in Wingman mode.
- 修復了Wingman模式下的工作坊地圖選擇屏幕。

– Impact kills with molotovs and incendiary grenades now display an icon in the kill feed.
- 撞擊殺死莫洛托夫和燃燒手榴彈現在在殺戮飼料中顯示一個圖標。

– Fixed various mistakes on the new radar map overviews (thanks Yesber).
- 修正了新雷達地圖概述上的各種錯誤(感謝Yesber)。

– Added fallback parameters to Overpass water material to fix stale reflection data.
- 為Overpass水材料添加了後備參數以修復過時的反射數據。

– Added rare inspect animation to Desert Eagle.
- 為Desert Eagle添加了罕見的檢查動畫。

– Miscellaneous stability and security fixes.
- 其他穩定性和安全性修復。
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